Saturday, January 23, 2016

Photos of 1/17/16 CGS session

Hello everyone!

I'm going to keep the 1/17 and /24 recaps short because I'm a bit overwhelmed with deadline projects for my job until the end of the month, but I wanted to share a few insights and photos.

We had a wonderful session last week! After Ms. Mary led us in our opening songs, Ms. Christy played the "Silence" game with us. With this game we learn to "tuck away our sounds" and concentrate on the quiet around us.  After the game we began our free work time. It was amazing to see the children maintain the quiet throughout most of the rest of the session.  That's probably why they were very energetic when they left the atrium; they worked so hard to keep their sounds tucked away!  Yet I could see happiness and contentment in them with the quiet.  We live in such a noisy world with so much stimulation. As adults, we are used to the commotion and maybe even unaware of how exhausting it can be. Quiet times can refresh the soul!

We will keep playing this game for a while, and then revisit it occasionally as needed.

Ms. Mary led us in our prayer corner this week.   Two of the children helped set up our prayer corner. Sharing a photo of them after they decided what should be put on the prayer table:

Here are a few more photos of our individual work time:

See you on Sunday!

Mrs. Basile

P.S.  Just a reminder that we will NOT have CGS on Sunday, January 31.  The school is having an open house that day to celebrate Catholic Schools Week.  Please stop by the open house if you have a chance and see all the wonderful projects and work that SJA's school children are doing!

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