Friday, April 22, 2016

Our last CGS session for the year this Sunday! Please turn in your registrations for next year!

Hi everyone,

My surgeon has given me the "okay" to go ahead and slowly resume normal activities (except no lifting for four weeks).  Yeah!  I'm feeling more energetic these days too Just in time to celebrate our Pentecost Paraliturgy!

Hard to believe that this Sunday is our last CGS session for the year!  I'm sure the catechists and junior helpers will agree with me when I say that the year flew by!  We all enjoyed getting to know your children and working with them as they build a personal relationship with the Good Shepherd!


IMPORTANT -- if you plan to register for CGS next year, please turn in your registration forms THIS SUNDAY if you have not yet!  I am giving first priority to current families.  I have limited space so want to make sure that any existing family who would like to continue the program next year, gets into the program.   After this Sunday, I will begin promoting the program to the entire parish and open the program up to others who were not able to participate this year.  So after Sunday, it becomes "first come, first served."  Please avoid disappointment by getting your registrations in on Sunday!   We have registrations forms at the check in table if you don't have a copy of the packet I emailed to you a few weeks ago.  Last year, I had to turn away families since we had reached capacity.

Incidentally, wanted to emphasize that if the tuition fee will be a hardship for you, please don't let that hold you back.   I will work with you; just drop me a note.  I want to give as many children as possible the chance to experience this wonderful program (within the capacity of the room and availability of catechists and materials).  The fees are slightly higher this year because I am applying those funds to pay for training for catechists who would like to continue with the program.  (To become a catechist with this program, you need to take a 90 hour training course, which can be expensive.  So I'm hoping to pay the course fees for those who would like to become a CGS catechist here at SJA.)  Everyone who works with this program is a volunteer and no one is paid; thought that paying for their training would be a way to say "thank you" for giving up their Sundays to bring this program to SJA's preschoolers.

This Sunday, we will be celebrating a "Pentecost Paraliturgy." 
It is a very symbolic ceremony that helps the children understand what happened after Jesus died, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, and how He sent the Holy Spirit to help the apostles spread the good news.  We talk about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the children have an opportunity to  pick a gift of the Holy Spirit.  We light 7 tapers and each one is designated a gift (piety, fortitude, etc.)  The children pick one that they would like to receive for the year, then we light a votive candle from the appropriate taper.  In the end, the prayer table area is filled with beautiful red flickering votives.  It is so beautiful and meaningful! Any parents that would like to participate in this are welcome to do so (although you will miss Mass.) 

After Mass, we're looking into having donuts, juice and coffee for all the parents and children in the open part of the PAR.  Margaret McConnell is working on this.  If you can help her with donut, juice donations, etc., or in setting up, please contact her at   Margaret, do you need anything from me?

I am so behind on the blog -- but I promise to catch up with 'lots of photos for the last few weeks.  Ms. Christy has been kindly taking photos; just haven't had much energy to work on the blog.  But as soon as it is updated, I'll email all of you.  Thank you for your patience!

If you have any questions, please drop me a note!


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