Sunday, November 6, 2016

Continuing to learn about the things we see at Mass - CGS 11/6/16 Session

Hi everyone,

Today was our third session to learn about the items we see in the sanctuary (front of the church) at Mass. Today we focused on the "credence table," which is the table at the side of the altar platform that holds some of the materials used at Mass.  At St. Joan of Arc, this table is placed near where the altar servers sit.

I asked two of our altar servers to tell the children about the items on the credence table, since it is the altar servers who bring these things up to the altar during Mass.  They learn the correct names for these items in their altar server training.  I thought it would also give them an opportunity to tell the children about being an altar server, and perhaps encourage our little ones to volunteer as altar servers when they are old enough!

Here are a few photos of the junior helpers helping the children learn the names of the various items on the credence table:

Here is a photo of Ms.Christy leading us during prayer time (right after we learned about the items we see in Mass).

Here we are processing with our processional cross. (We do this as we are walking from Rooms 1 & 2 to our prayer room.)

And finally, a few shots of our "free work" time, where the children can select which work they would like to do:

Next week, we'll start to learn about the "liturgical colors" (colors of the church seasons).  This will be a review for some of the children; I know they will help the new children know these colors too!

Cheryl, the catechists and the junior helpers of SJA's CGS atrium

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